Empowering Agriculture: WE4F and RES4Africa Unite for Webinar on Solar Pumping and Desalination Technologies in MENA

In a testament to their commitment to addressing the challenges posed by water scarcity, unpredictable rainfall, and the impacts of climate change in the MENA region, RES4Africa Foundation (Renewable Energy Solutions for Africa) and Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) Middle East and North Africa Regional Innovation Hub (MENA RIH) are proud to announce their collaboration for a webinar on “Productive Energy Use in Agriculture in the MENA Region.” This strategic partnership aims to demonstrate the intricate nexus between water, energy, and food, with a particular emphasis on solar pumping and desalination technologies.

The MENA region, known to have some of the driest countries, confronts unprecedented challenges due to climate change. Agriculture, a linchpin of the region, is both a significant energy consumer and highly susceptible to climate-related disruptions. To foster climate-smart solutions, understanding the symbiotic relationship between different resources is crucial. Therefore, RES4Africa and WE4F are coming together to organize a webinar to explore innovative solutions and cultivate strategic collaborations.

Scheduled for January 17th at 2:00 PM CET / 3:00 PM Beirut time, this collaborative webinar will delve into the following key topics:

  1. Importance and Benefits of Solar Pumping and Desalination: Experts will underscore the pivotal role of solar pumping and desalination technologies in agriculture, especially in the MENA region. The discourse will spotlight the potential advantages and applications of these technologies.
  2. Market Trends, Operational Experiences, and Financing Approaches: The webinar will provide insights into market trends, operational experiences, and financing approaches related to solar pumping and desalination technologies. 
  3. Innovative Solutions in Energy Production and Agriculture: Presentations will encompass a spectrum of innovative solutions in the realm of energy production and agriculture, including end-user financing. Case studies from will offer pragmatic insights into successful implementations.

The gathering will also aim to assess the interest of participants towards gaining further knowledge and expertise in addressing the intricate relationship between water, energy, and food. By understanding the interest level and specific areas of focus, RES4Africa and WE4F will be able to tailor future capacity-building initiatives to meet the needs and priorities of the MENA region.
